Search results 1-10 of 25505
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BIM Sp. z o.o.
3 deals
Wix advanced store registration form

Good day, I would like to expand my registration form in my store on Wix. At the moment, when registering, a potential customer only has to provide an email and a password. Is it possible to add more...

One Media Group
One Media Group
98 deals
UX Designer - Consultation, UX check and design of a desktop/mobile cosmetic clinic website (note this is not a store) .

Checking / auditing the website from the desktop and mobile side , writing guidelines for changes/improvements that would improve the quality of navigating the site (desktop and mobile), readability of the site and services . UX audit, analysis...

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Realization of the website with plugging directly payment for the service by stripe or easycart. 3 variants to choose from. The site is to include: About us; how it works, FAQ, plans(price list).

The page is to contain only a few sections such as: about the solution, how it works, faq, plans(price list). All sections should lead to the appropriate place on the site. Additional pages are the blog section, where he wants to post...