Search results 1-10 of 28081
Profit Partner
Profit Partner
16 deals
68 days left
Website based on WordPress

Looking for people to work with to create WP based sites and built from scratch on Elementor. Please provide a price for a one page, landing page, a page up to 5 pages, a page up to 25 pages and an online shop based on Woo. The ability to...

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54 deals
Website - wordpress

Installation and customization of WP in the likeness of the website, in the scope also to complete the site with the provided materials. The scope of bookmarks 1. about the company ( description of the business) 2. offer...

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Emil Zelma
Making a website for a hair salon

I need a simple website for a hair salon. A landing page type site. There should be tabs like About us, contact, range of services, price list. Photos with portfolio to insert - we have our own photos. Links to Google Maps and social media...

no avatar
54 deals
New website with gallery and CMS

To be made is a website with structure and content like similar to with the difference that it should give the ability to add bookmarks. Page with block layout + parallax or other animation / JS effects are welcome . Process: -...

Profit Partner
Profit Partner
16 deals
Website based on WordPress

Looking for people to work with to develop sites for clients based on WP and built from scratch on Elementor. Please provide price for one page, landing page, page up to 5 pages, page up to 25 pages and Woo based online store. The ability...