• Files
  • Work details
  • Your details
  • Client details
  • Price
  • Summary
To get paid via Useme, you’ll have to upload a work file and describe it. Check how we did it and click “Next.”
Files uploaded 0

Provide work details

Describe the work you’ve done for your client so we can accurately invoice the client and process your payment. To streamline your transaction, make sure the category, title, and description match your files.

Your work category will be listed as "service" on the final invoice.

E.g., Language school website design. The title will appear on the final invoice for your client.

Describe details of your work. Mention the key results delivered to your client. The description won’t appear on the final invoice for your client.

Start your product tour! We've filled in the invoice details to show you how it works. You don’t need anything!

Upload a file to invoice a client

The file confirms you’ve completed the work.

Your file can contain the entire work or:

  • a screenshot confirming work completion,
  • a part or several parts of the work,
  • an hourly form (time sheet),
  • a report confirming work.

Not sure what file you should upload to invoice your client? Check our Help Center.