Porting an existing Google Chrome Extension that queries multiple APIs (proprietary and commercial) and produces data dashboards of information on companies visited via web browser, to a responsive web app.
Porting an existing Google Chrome Extension that queries multiple APIs (proprietary and commercial) and produces data dashboards of information on companies visited via web browser, to a responsive web app.
I am looking for someone who would like to write a high quality article in English on the topic of "Different types of payment methods online". It should be around 800 words long (approx. 5000 characters). The article should be divided into...
I need a professional logo designer with a good portfolio. Looking for a long-term work for a company - you start with simple logo about booking industry (50euro budget) - if we both pleased then we continue. Knowledge in Photoshop, Corel Draw...
Need to move 2nd navigation menu from the button to the top, side by side of main navigation menu, I am using brandon template
We required chain based hotel booking system for refrance you can visit booking.com
Looking for an expert in deep learning neural network, machine learning and Matlab, who is knowledgeable in caffe and triplet loss (Function) and who also has solid background in image processing, face detection and recognition. - must be...
I need a responsive website. I would like it designed and built. Hello We are looking for a responsive seller to develop wallet app for erc20 which will support window,Mac,Linux,iOS and android We need this to be done urgently. Place...
I wish to realize a weight loss application containing exercise and diet plan for 30 days. I want it to look alike top3 fitness apps in android store. the app will be in French, English and Arabic
Hi there, i am looking for someone who is a shopify expert and can set a rule for different pricing based on the region or country the customer is from. i am only looking for two separate pricing rules. the first, europe and the second around the...
After unfortunately being let down by my last developer I am hoping that YOU will be able to deliver on my current gaming app project. The game I would estimate is about 95% complete but needs helped in being released onto the App and Play store...
We are looking for a Wordpress specialist who can do following changes to our website: Do some small changes to the layout of our existing template ( who is already converted to a website ). Add a few simple pages to our existing...
Finish very simple PHP login system. 4 pages: -Login -Register -Forgot Password -Dashboard (redirected on sucessfull login, blank page showing only username at the moment) To prove you have read the full project description...
DinosaurDays is a learning app for children made with Adobe Animate AIR. I need to update this app, but AS3 and Apple are making my life impossible. The app is nearly finished - just having trouble loading swf animations on a timeline. I just...
Wants to design an excel sheet formula and report the outputs on powerpoint, I have the powerpoint report sample that needs to be developed as well, the report is about keeping an eye on a property development progress, which includes the...
Looking for a small WordPress website for a fundraiser. Homepage should explain the cause, a page with supporting businesses and a donation option.
I've a PDF file of 17 scanned pages, I need it's size less than 1 Mb. I've been trying for 24 hours till now with all possible solutions to reduce its size, tried compression, reducing quality and page dimensions, but nothing works. If you plan...
We are building a new website and want to have content rewritten from a few sources into new, unique, content. Starting from products to blogs. English. Name your price
We are working on a project with Maya, animation and everything with cameras etc. is done, we need someone to render it for us. Project includes need for Shave and Haircut for Maya, and we can't do this part. Short time line.
Problem: We process here laser scans. The result is a point cloud, which we are slicing at certain levels (100mm below the ceiling and 200mm above the slab). We end up with dotted line which represents the line of i.e. column or core wall. ...