Hello sincerely, I have an Asari CRM program to support real estate offices and I need a person who will enter the offers of development projects from an external website using the materials that are on it, reworking them and translating them...
Hello sincerely, I have an Asari CRM program to support real estate offices and I need a person who will enter the offers of development projects from an external website using the materials that are on it, reworking them and translating them...
I will order the mapping of data in an Excel file
I need an excel magician! :) The file has 7 columns per 30 cells. I am anxious to be able to illustrate/present to the client the changes in the numbers over the years via the Dashboard in Excel. For someone who has been doing this -> this...
Creating a functional and clear Desktop with the most relevant data based on Excel data.
I ask for a quote for the preparation of Excell sheet calculating the selling price of the product on the portal "allegro" according to the given criteria, ie. -net / gross purchase / shipping smart (related to the tables with surcharges for...
I am looking for a person who will create an excel form that will add employee data and in a minor stage generate a contract of mandate or bill. Contract of mandate/Receipt have their own templates
I am looking for, for a project for my client, a person who is fluent in English (C1/C2 - we are only interested in the level in written English) and would like to conduct direct contact activities with potential buyers of the company's services...
I will outsource the downloading of data from the website to an excel sheet. Only for those using automatic downloading. Large amounts of data. Please offer as low a price as possible.
I will order to build a database of decision-making people of accounting offices (CEO, or people at managerial, director levels). Data in the database: company name, first name, last name, address, e-mail address.
Gather a list of email addresses and website addresses of as many UV printers and companies with UV plotters or print-on-demand businesses in countries such as: -Germany -Italy -The Netherlands -England -Spain -Czech...
Web Scraping - I will contract help to customize the sitemap in Web Scraper plugin for Chrome (or other analogous), which will allow to import data from ecommerce website to csv/google sheets.
I am looking for an experienced person to prepare data visualizations in PowerBI. I will provide the report, from which it will be necessary to properly “clean” the data, so as to extract the KPI's of interest to me. I will indicate which...
I have a website to which I need to hook up a database. I need to find someone who can create a database and connect it to my website. The site is not exactly finished (front end is in vue and back end is in django) - it would be great if someone...
Hello, I am looking for a person to develop an invoice for me in excel so as to block individual cell changes. The invoice is ready in excel, only the relevant cells need to be blocked in such a way that the data cannot be changed.
Excel - two tables
I need an active PDF based on a WORD file or a change to this file we currently have, the change will be in the size of the lines, when filling in there are no Polish characters, sometimes the customers will crash . This will be a personal and...
I will outsource excel database with basic company information from given tradefair exhibitors list I provide. The task it to scrap company name, website, country and description.
Looking for a person who in a pre-designed Excel sheet will help to make formulas or/and VBA or other solutions to semi-automate the process of generating data in individual sheets. The data is prepared, and more will be added in the future....
The order concerns the development, cleaning and preparation for translation of a part of the RUM database. The work takes place in an Excel environment and concerns about 8,000 points of the RUM database concerning religion in Poland. Each...
Freelancer gets an XML or CSV product file from which you need to extract the required products and assign specific parameters to them, More info I can send in a message. This is a product file for an online store