Hi, We are looking for a dedicated person to run our profile on Ebay marketplace, specializing in fishing products. Your main tasks: - Research and market analysis: Monitoring trends in the fishing industry, analyzing competition and...
Explore top-tier remote e-commerce website maintenance jobs on our platform, tailored for dynamic freelancers. Specializing in essential support and services, we connect you to projects that demand your expertise in sustaining and enhancing online retail spaces. With Useme, benefit from secure payment terms, ensuring that your skills in maintaining and optimizing e-commerce platforms are justly rewarded. Discover opportunities that align with your skills in a flexible, remote setting.
Hi, We are looking for a dedicated person to run our profile on Ebay marketplace, specializing in fishing products. Your main tasks: - Research and market analysis: Monitoring trends in the fishing industry, analyzing competition and...
Hello, looking for a person familiar with baselinkaer and implementing integrations between platforms. What needs to be done is to implement an integration with Inpost and combine it with the already uploaded 2 integrations ie, allegro and...
Hello, I need to do some tidying up on my store page (appearance/description of goods, logistics, languages, exports) . IdoSell store. Best Regards
I have a store set up on the SHOPER service. The payment gateway I would like to use in my store is the VIVA WALLET gateway. Unfortunately, the gateway does not have integration with the SHOPER store by default and a script needs to be written to...
Hello, I am looking for a person who is very hello with BaseLinker and has experience in listing products via BL on various marketplaces along with their initial optimization. Product descriptions will be prepared for optimization/adaptation...
Robotydo.pl store needs to put new products in the shop- LUBA 2 and YUKA ( new manufacturer of Mammotion mowing robots ) Inspiration for implementation is sites : https://eu.mammotion.com/ , https://mammotion.com/ , Polish sites :...
Hello, I am looking for someone who has experience in developing their own online store.
Hello I am looking for a person to do a complete baselinker configuration . At the moment we have hooked up several marcetplace accounts such as amazon ebay , allegro , bonanza , emag , 2 online stores , FV programs , couriers etc . I need to...
I am looking for a specialist who excels in building internal content using Magento page-builder. Creating CMS blocks, sub-pages, product content, notifications etc. Persons only with documented realizations in the above-mentioned area, and...
I have an online store on the IdoSell platform in Polish. The store is already configured. I also have a related store that needs to be configured as a copy of the first store, but in Ukrainian. I need a service to configure this second store...
you need to set up menus, main menu, side menu, footers, prepare the store following the theme to work, without entering products, just setting up categories, etc. The theme has many functions, so I don't know how to set it up myself. Such a...
Hey, I have a site on WebWave and I am starting a store. I'm looking for someone to help set up payments so that there is a BLIK payment option. Using Stripe, due to the non-registered business.
Looking for a person who : - is familiar with the requirements of graphics added to descriptions and thumbnails on allegro - is able to find a more attractive photo itself in case the photos provided are not attractive or of poor quality -...
I am looking for a person to efficiently configure the synchronization between Shoper, Baselinker and courier broker GlobKurier. We depend on automatic creation of shipments in GlobKurier based on the status in Shoper (we want to handle orders...
Hello, I would like to have my manufacturer's products imported on BaseLinker. They are industrial products with many variants by specific parameters. I have about 200-250 of them, and the manufacturer has provided me with a catalog in pdf...
- Adding apple/google pay - Adding an element to the footer - Collapsing and expanding categories and sizes in the filters
I am looking for a specialist who has experience with stores on OpenCart. We are using version Most of the tasks are simple ostyling - padding, fonts, etc., but there will probably be some more technical ones. The store has been running...
I am looking for a person to cooperate in the development of the product base of an electrical store. To begin with to prepare: - titles of product offers - a brief description of the products (I have a base description from the...
I am looking for a person for an online store with Ukrainian or Russian language and necessarily Polish, the main task will be to publish content.
I am looking for someone to aesthetically professionally add products with large descriptions to an online store. Preferably prestashop. I want a person who will regularly add a product - there will be up to a few per week, a main page and sub...