Dzień dobry! Poszukuję programisty php do rozwoju portalu joomla. Prace z doskoku. Chętnie na dłużej. Do poprawy skrypt php.
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Dzień dobry! Poszukuję programisty php do rozwoju portalu joomla. Prace z doskoku. Chętnie na dłużej. Do poprawy skrypt php.
Good day I am looking for a company with experience that will create a smoothly working and secure software ( web application ) to manage a transport and forwarding company The main modules of the system: 1. customer database 1.1 Customer file...
Project Description: We are seeking a freelancer to develop a Python-based application to automate monthly work schedules and forecast work hours for our employees. Currently, we rely on an Excel file that we update manually each month. We would...
I am looking for a programmer to make in any technology an application to automate queries to ChatGPT. The application: 1. retrieves individual query lines from the indicated csv file 2. sends the query to ChatGPT 3. saves the response in the...
I am looking for a programmer to develop in any technology an application that builds a database of the most searched keywords in Google, Bing search engine. The application: 1. retrieves from the indicated csv file individual lines containing...
Opis zlecenia Poszukuję programisty, który połączy dwie aplikacje React Native w jedną współpracująca z Wordpress LMS LearnDash+Buddypress. 1 - Aplikacja dla Wordpress LMS...
Poszukuję developera freelancera, który w pierwszym etapie przerobi graficznie gotową aplikację: Zmiany polegają na: • Modyfikacji grafiki, podmianie logo, dodanie...
I have a developed educational portal based on Wordpress and LearnDash LMS. Looking for a programmer to develop an installable PWA/TWA application and put it on the store.
I am looking for a programmer to develop in any technology an application to automate the content of queries for translation into one of the translators. The application: 1. loads from a csv file the content prepared in the formula: line...
We are looking for a freelancer to perform mobile and web application testing. Approximately 40 hours per month. Long-term cooperation with the possibility of expanding to several additional projects. When submitting an offer, please let...
I am looking for a specialist to create a Windows workstation that can be accessed remotely by employees who use Macs on a daily basis. The project includes selection of appropriate hardware, installation and configuration of remote software,...
I need to make an iframe for a comparison of financial offers (credit, deposit, personal account) I am looking for a person to create an iframe that works as a comparison of credit offers and savings accounts with the possibility of...
Project Description: We are looking for an experienced IT team to design and build an innovative mobile application for on-demand transportation. The app will operate on principles similar to platforms such as Uber or Bolt. Application...
C# C Sharp Selenium ChromeDriver, Windows ChromeDriver creates a temporary user profile each time. The purpose of the fix is to point to an existing profile so that the settings and plugins of that profile work in the controlled Chrome...
We are looking for a person for permanent cooperation for ongoing implementation of IT solutions in our construction company. We are looking for a person who is proficient in IT, even if they haven't done something they will read or learn, they...
Hi. I need a quote for a relatively simple wordpress plugin. The problems I'm encountering pertain to saving records in the database and editing that creates new records instead of overwriting existing ones. In addition, the main photo in the...
Good day, We are looking for a developer for permanent cooperation in the development of applications, we are looking for 20/40h per month at the beginning, work from “now”: We are a company that provides mobile applications for NGOs, Sports...
I will commission the development of a reading app for preschool and early elementary school children, supporting learning by associating words, pictures and sounds (pronunciation). The application will contain resources of words and their...
We are looking for a freelancer with solid experience in business automation using AI technologies to help us streamline and optimize our work processes. The goal is to increase efficiency in various areas of our business through AI-based...
We are looking for a person who could provide us with assistance in maintaining a production mongodb database in replicaSet 3 (deployed on a k8s cluster). The database has about 40GB of data. Problems that we are currently aware of: -...