We need a Word-based survey to be created in a pdf file where there will be an option for people to complete the data / indicate checkboxes, without the ability to modify the commands and descriptions. We need the completed file each time in a...
Discover Remote Administrative Jobs on our platform, ideal for freelancers seeking part-time, office assistant roles with the flexibility of working from home. Benefit from Useme's secure payment system, ensuring freelancers are paid promptly and fairly for their admin support services. Connect with global opportunities to advance your career remotely.
We need a Word-based survey to be created in a pdf file where there will be an option for people to complete the data / indicate checkboxes, without the ability to modify the commands and descriptions. We need the completed file each time in a...
Jesteśmy firmą z wielkiej Brytania i poszukujemy wirtualnej asystentki do stałej współpracy. Wymagania: - biegła znajomość języka angielskiego, - codzienna dostępność czasowa w standardowych godzinach pracy. Cele: - kontrola terminów, -...
I need a Google Sheet expert for permanent cooperation. 1. each project in Google Sheet I would like to do together to learn Google Sheet in practice 2. to do is "Report all leads and requests from inetrnet sites" - We currently have...
Poszukuję osoby do prowadzenia konta na stronach sprzedażowych Amazon.de i Ebay.de. Wymagania: Znajomość języka niemieckiego na poziomie zaawansowanym. Biegła znajomość Excela. Doświadczenie w pracy na Amazon i Ebay. Komunikatywność. Główne...
I am looking for a person who will make me formulas from Excel data (VBA or other simple possibilities come into play). The Excel data is already prepared. In the future I will want to supplement the file with new data. In short, from the data...
creating schedules of patients and employees of the rehabilitation office once a week Friday/Saturday
Help is needed with a more complicated formula.
We are a company in the great UK and we are looking for a virtual assistant for permanent cooperation. Requirements: - fluency in English, - daily time availability during standard working hours. Objectives: - controlling...
I will commission research and complete a spreadsheet with information on foreign hosting services such as Bluehost, GoDaddy, Hostinger, HostGator, SiteGround, for example. To prepare a listing of 40+ companies, each of which has about 1-5...
Hello I am looking for a person with knowledge of Croatian language Customer service Information from Useme: bidding is only possible if you: - possession of a valid student card (for pupils/students up to 26 years of age) - confirmed...
Hello, I need a part-time person for customer service in an online store with very good German. Please send me an offer in two options - part-time salary plus possibly full-time salary. Best Regards, Information from Useme: submitting an...
We are a company in the construction industry and we are looking for a virtual assistant for permanent cooperation. Requirements: - fluency in English, - daily time availability during standard working hours. Objectives: - controlling...
I am looking for a virtual assistant for Biomelius Limited, a company that sells specialized dietary supplements in Poland and abroad. Initial responsibilities include support in servicing customers from Germany and UK, preparing graphics and...
For a manual task requiring proficient Excel/Google sheets we are looking for a person available immediately. The anticipated amount of work is about 40h to start, targeting about 10-15h of Excel and document automation/macro every month.
We run two websites, we are looking for a person with experience in product introduction and support of Wordpress and Woocommerce and Magento. Remote, periodic, recurring work.
Hello, I am looking for a person who could take care of acquiring clients for mobile and web applications as well as websites and online stores. Basic knowledge of the IT industry is needed. For more information, please feel free to contact me.
Looking for help with LUCID registration in Germany
Hi i need personal assistant to help me register information. The person has to be living in japan or japanese
The task is to liquidate a Polish company. The main responsibilities of this role include preparing and submitting the necessary paperwork, ensuring compliance with tax and legal requirements, and handling the final financial...
We are looking for an experienced payroll specialist to work with us on a freelance basis. The person in this position will be responsible for complex payroll management and various administrative tasks related to the hiring and firing of...