We are looking for a person / company to provide administrative / dev-ops services on our servers. We have purchased two VPS_FLY services from Cyber Folks. This involves, among other things, installing and configuring Linux, configuring a Python...
We are looking for a person / company to provide administrative / dev-ops services on our servers. We have purchased two VPS_FLY services from Cyber Folks. This involves, among other things, installing and configuring Linux, configuring a Python...
Witam, Chciałbym przenieść mój dotychczasowy hosting z Arubacloud do cyberfolks. Na hostingu znajduje się strona internetowa + niedokończony rozwój strony. Chciałbym zlecić wykonanie kopii zapasowej danych (baza danych, wiadomości e-mail,...
I am looking for a person to configure me Remote Desktop, FTP server and other services of a small VPS on Windows from Contabo. Unfortunately, I have fallen down on this simple task. I will need a brief report of the work done - what was done,...
I will order installation and configuration of server for mailwizz script. I have a total dedicated, but I am not sure if the server on which the site is running will be a good solution. Therefore, a person who is additionally familiar with...
I have a website with mobile applications for iOS and Android on VPS in nazwa.pl I would like to move the whole website with applications from VPS nazwa.pl to VPS Arubacloud.pl
Hello, I have a website based on wordpress, which is connected with mobile applications for iOS and Android. The site is hosted on nazwa.pl it is a VPS / DirectAdmin server. I need someone to do a survey and inventory of what is currently...
Hello, My current configuration: 1. I installed on the Linux server: https://github.com/angristan/openvpn-install 2. From my Mac computer, I connect to a VPN client (works) 3. We also use VPS in the company, Windows is running on it. I also...