I am looking for a programmer to make in any technology an application to automate queries to ChatGPT. The application: 1. retrieves individual query lines from the indicated csv file 2. sends the query to ChatGPT 3. saves the response in the...
I am looking for a programmer to make in any technology an application to automate queries to ChatGPT. The application: 1. retrieves individual query lines from the indicated csv file 2. sends the query to ChatGPT 3. saves the response in the...
Cześć, Szukam specjalisty, który mógłby mi pomóc z integracją RevenueHunt w Wordpress z OpenAI GPT-4. Potrzebuję skryptu PHP, który będzie odbierał dane z ankiety (przy użyciu webhooka) i przetwarzał je, generując odpowiedzi za pomocą API OpenAI....
We need a PHP script that communicates with an assistant created on OPENAI (https://platform.openai.com/assistants), which in turn is connected to a data file (File Search).
I will commission a simple script to support OpenAI via API to generate multiple short texts at the same time. We give, for example, 100 keywords, give one prompt for all of them, and AI, based on this, generates 100 short texts corresponding...
I am looking for a brief consultation on how to use OpenAI API in PHP code. This involves an example of successfully sending a request and receiving a response in PHP code. Please quote for 1 hour of consultation. Information from Useme:...
I have several thousand test questions. I am trying to implement Chat GPT 4 OPEN AI to solve these questions with explanations. I am looking for someone who is familiar with chat gpt and will optimize the process of getting the correct data.