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325 results

SendMessage Ltd. is involved in the production of software for companies and individuals. The main area of our...

I'm a young web developer, who finished IT collage. I focus on frontend and 3D graphic on websites, but I can also...

Designing is my passion. Marketing is my main academic background. After first year of study I decided to focus my...

Expert level graphics and video editing with high level of attention to detail. I am very passionate about what I do...


I'm Bartłomiej Janczak, a freelance developer & designer. I've always been drawn to the overlap between design and...

A graduate of the Post-secondary Fine Arts School A. Frycza-Modrzewskiego direction: wystawiennictwo I am an artist...

I work as a freelancer and I own my OMS agency. I am developing and providing results for Polish and UK clients. I...

For 7 years we have been involved in the creation of websites and online stores, online advertising as well as...

I have 5 years commercial experience. Since 2015 I've make websites and web applications (PHP, CakePHP3, SQL, CSS,...

Jeśli poszukujesz osoby, która wypromuje twoją firmę, dobrze trafiłeś. Jestem dla tych, którzy wolą jakość niż...

I am 24 years old, I am a student of the College of Management and Banking, in the field of applied IT with the...

Hey ;-) Since 2016 I have been creating websites and conducting paid advertising campaigns on Facebook Ads and...

I create websites - landing pages, portals, shops. I use Wordpress DIVI Theme. I've been creating websites for 3...

By education - Master of Economics, in practice - founder of em-store.pl, as well as an active trader. From the...

Hi! We created 2 online shops and about 40 websites. https://springleading.pl/ Our mission is consultancy and...

ATMOSFERA OFFER: Internet applications: technologies in which we create websites and web applications are made up of...

creativity is my passion in all kind of digital media, Photography, Movie, Postproduction

An English teacher. Lover of music, art and movies. A fan of travelling and social media. Deeply interested in human...

CUSTOM SOLUTIONS We are lucky to meet people with a vision. Our task is to translate their ideas into the language...