Display Ads Specialists

325 results

Hard working fast learning marketing specialist with years of experience in marketing, journalism, social...

If you need high-quality plagiarism-free articles, I am your guy. I excel in SEO optimization, copywriting, article...

My name is Justyna Odej. I graduated in the field of Industrial Design at the engineering degree. My specialization...

Our team consists of experienced IT specialists, approaching work with passion. We provide IT services to companies...

I adore writing, as well as translating, because I've always been interested in foreign languages. I am writing...

A production engineer and logistics specialist. I will gladly undertake 2D and 3D CAD design, make projects in...

My present career is full of various challenges and task, which I was managed to do. This is what gives me knowledge...

I am an expert in Google Ads, I used to work in Google's Vendor creating campaigns, ads and marketing strategy(in...

graduated in English studies, interested in programming and blockchain technology

I am interested in translation orders in English and German.

Intelligent, creative, hard-working, consistent and motivated to work. I do not have experience, I'm not a graphic...

For a daily job I work in Client Service in Advertising Agency. I take care of photo-shoots and Social Media...

My name is Mateusz Bojanowski and since 2010 I have been working in the industry advertising for local and...

I am an environmental and OSH engineer by profession. He is used to perform administrative work in a transport...

Looking for a way to earn extra money I decided to try my hand at writing texts. There is a great demand for this...

I'm a student looking for a way to make some additional money. My English is on a really good and pretty high level....

Hello, In short, I am a Web Developer - Full Stack as a freelancer and in the current profession. He also performs...

My name is Maciej. I'm 20 years old. I'm a student. I work as a waiter after school beacause I'm living alone. I...

I'm 19. I am a 3rd grade student in a technical school with a mechatronic profile. No problems were found with...