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external communication

12 results

Find a freelancer by skill

external communication

12 results

Hello, my name is Ola. I graduated from faculty Jourmalism and Social Communication, Marketing is a specialisation...

Open and communicative. My strength is a crisis communication, coming up with image strategies, and devising...

I am a communicative person, open to other people. Carefully and meticulously performs the tasks entrusted to me.

Greetings! Are you looking for a professional copywriting at a reasonable price? Look no further! My experience...

My name is Inessa. I am a graphic designe. I have several years of experience in creating graphic designs. Working...

Born in 1991 in Poznań, since my youngest years I always loved to have everything smart planned, well organised and...

O! Like is a creative agency that was created as a result of an explosive mix like The Powerpuff Girls experiment....

Useme Club

I have been in marketing for nearly 11 years, previously in large corporations making money for my employers. The...

I am copywriter and content designer with rich knowledge and experience in ATL and BTL, branding and internal...

Business and Public Relations graduate, currently live in Warsaw- had opportunity to create PR campaigns, work with...

Business consultancy, strategy, and execution for SMB. (SINCE 2013) Experienced in industries: AI, AR & New...

I am a sales and communication trainer, I support efficiency from a practical point of view. I get involved in...