Water and wastewater services quoting template pdf or excel with graphic design.

Closed job
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Filip Bereta - Technika
3 deals
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:

700.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description


I will be commissioned to prepare a 7pc page template for preparing quotes for customers for water and sewer services. It seems to me that ideally it should be an excel sheet but I am not familiar with these things in detail. I need it to prepare the following sheets:

-Offer for making water supply connection

-Offer for execution of sewerage connection

-Offer for execution of water supply network

-Offer for execution of sewerage network

-Offer for execution of water supply and sewerage connections

-Offer for execution of water supply and sewerage connections

-Tender for construction of water mains and sewerage networks with connections

-Additional information

On each of the sheets I want to have editable fields. For those interested, I will send an outline of how it would look like in the message.

Type and number of projects:

7 templates depending on customer request excel or pdf