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From: Poland

Location: Brzóza Królewska, PL

On Useme since 27 January 2022

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About me

Full-Stack JS Developer

FRONTEND: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Wordpress, Joomla

FRONTEND: jQuery, Bootstrap, SASS, ReactJS, AJAX

BACKEND: NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS

Excel with VBA and Access.

Tłumczenia EN-PL PL-EN


on 2024-09-23
Wystawiona opinia
Jestem bardzo zadowolony z usług Pana Mirosława. Projekt wykonany profesjonalnie i w pełni zadowalająco. Mimo, że jako, że nie jestem fachowcem i sam nie potrafiłem w 100% doprecyzować "o co mi chodzi" to efekt pracy bardzo mi się podoba. Pochwalić też należy za bardzo sumienne i ostateczne wykonanie zadania, myślę, że nawet ponad to na co bezpośrednio przyjął zlecenie. Oczywiście nie zachęcam do nadużywania cierpliwości. Pan Mirosław jest naprawdę odpowiedzialny za to co robi.
on 2024-07-09
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Praca z Panem Mirosławem to sama przyjemność! Polecam!
on 2022-10-13
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Super sprawnie i szybko :) polecamy!
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Aparts Group Sp. Komandytowa
on 2022-09-27
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Szybko załatwione zlecenie z należytym zaangażowaniem. Pełny profesjonalizm
on 2022-08-11
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Zaangażowanie w realizowany projekt nastawione na szukanie rozwiązań. Polecam współpracę.
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on 2022-07-28
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Miła i fachowa współpraca. Zlecenie wykonane szybko i sprawnie. Polecam! :)
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on 2022-04-20
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instrukcje przetłumaczone bardzo starannie i z zachowaniem formatu, polecam!
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Wolf Trade
on 2022-03-21
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Wszystko super,doskonały kontakt na każdym etapie realizacji.Polecam wszystkim
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on 2022-03-08
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Bardzo rzetelnie, szybko i sprawnie wykonane zadanie, a przede wszystkim dziękuję za ogromną cierpliwość :D Gorąco polecam!!!
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on 2022-03-03
Wystawiona opinia
Szybko i profesjonalnie, bez zbędnych pytań, czy niedomówień. Po prostu fachowiec. Z czystym sumieniem i sprawną strona mogę polecić przyszłym klientom TEKKa.

Completed offers 10

  • I will commission the translation of top texts from my travel blog. I am interested in English and German. The length of the texts is a range of 10 thousand-25 thousand characters (with spaces). I ask for offers for these ranges of text length and languages (can be one). The first order includes 3 texts (posts). I am planning a longer cooperation :) The texts are currently written in Polish and rank top in google search, it is important to me that the person translating understands the basics of writing for SEO.
  • I will order the translation of the article from Polish to English (American).
  • A simple page for a small festival, where in the middle we have a logo (sentence two about the event) or a photo from the festival. A clock that counts down to the event. Below links to social media, ticket store, event rules and gallery. Landing page responsive.
  • I will commission the translation of content for the website. Industry: real estate developer, real estate. A total of 21 sub-pages with different volume of characters (the content for the most extensive sub-page is within 4500 characters, but there are some with 500 characters) Settlement preferably for the number of characters after the transfer of all files for translation. Requesting bids from people who can handle the topic of real estate and its specific vocabulary.
  • Zlecę tłumaczenie ebooka o tematyce psychologicznej z języka angielskiego na język polski (jestem autorką e booka w języku angielskim). Osoba, która podejmie się zlecenia, otrzyma edytowalny plik w Canvie. Prosze o podanie ceny ostatecznej w ofercie
  • Hi, due to an overabundance of orders I have to give up to code a calculator. The service pricing calculator is to be built with multiple steps. Depending on the path the user takes, the price will vary. Once the user has gone through all the pricing steps, the calculator is to take to a separate subpage and display the pricing details there. There is also to be an option to send the calculation to the customer's email. The calculator appears in several places on the site. The logic of the calculator itself is described in the Figma project. I am not imposing a solution. The only thing I require is that the calculator works and is easy to manage.
  • The subject of the order is to code a search engine for job offers on our site with API of our partner Traffit. The search engine is to be able to switch between job offers in Poland and France and the basics like visible, job title, rate, date. Please only ask for offers with price range.
  • Adjust main banner images for mobile (if possible). Presentation in "offer" field - blinks on desktop and scrolls too fast. Arrows in the "opinions about us" field - on desktop they are shifted to the right. Add padding in the text fields of the "contact" field, especially for the phone number, which has a wide background but only a few pixels above and below it. Adjust the images from the contact field to mobile. The website is
  • Simple view in Figma - home page and two simple sub pages. We expect coding to HTM can also be any framework or other language. The site is static, content can be updated manually. It should be fast and well coded :) Please send us an offer, we reply to each one, possible further orders for coding from Figma to HTML/front. Send your recent realizations necessarily. Thanks!
  • To translate 4 short files including one drawing