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Tłumaczenie tekstów informatycznych z EN na PL

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Teksty są instrukcjami do programowania w j. angielskim, ok. 5-8 tys. znaków.


"The for statement is a type of loop that will use up to three optional expressions to implement the repeated execution of a code block.

Let’s take a look at an example of what that means.

In the syntax above there are three expressions inside the for statement: the initialization, the condition, and the final expression, also known as incrementation.

Let’s use a basic example to demonstrate what each of these statements does.

When we run the code above, we’ll receive the following output:

In the above example, we initialized the for loop with let i = 0, which begins the loop at 0. We set the condition to be i < 4, meaning that as long as i evaluates as less than 4, the loop will continue to run. Our final expression of i++ increments the count for each iteration through the loop. The console.log(i) prints out the numbers, starting with 0 and stopping as soon as i is evaluated as 4."

The language of the text:

angielski na polski

Number of characters:

7000 znaków

Type and number of texts:

artykuły z instrukcjami i informacjami o programowaniu