Translation of content for the website

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    I will order to check the finished transcription of the translation of recorded videos in the perinatal field. Key information: - we have a written transcription (photo for reference) that AI has generated; it is both English and Polish text; the idea is to check only the Polish text, - the recordings (and texts) are interviews and presentations by perinatal care specialists, so it is important to check the consistency of translations and to know the perinatal subject matter (example - the automatic translation of “natural childbirth” is to “road birth” - full of such errors), - I have a total of 8 more than an hour recordings and ready transcriptions to check, but we can settle individually.
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I will commission the translation of content for the website. Industry: real estate developer, real estate. A total of 21 sub-pages with different volume of characters (the content for the most extensive sub-page is within 4500 characters, but there are some with 500 characters) Settlement preferably for the number of characters after the transfer of all files for translation. Requesting bids from people who can handle the topic of real estate and its specific vocabulary.