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Przetłumaczenie 'Terms of Use' and 'Privacy Policy' na blogu.

Closed job
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3 deals
Job category:
Expected budget:

320.00 PLN


Job description

I will arrange to translate 'Terms of Use' and 'Privacy Policy' from English into Polish. Initially, the blog was in English, but after returning from England, a Polish version was also created. The documents were prepared by a British lawyer. I do not have time to translate them into Polish, and additionally, I do not use the appropriate terminology. I also want to check whether the documents comply with Polish law. Especially the GDPR. If not, please improve them. I am looking for a law student or someone with experience in this field.

Type and number of texts:

Przetłumaczenie 'Terms of Use' and 'Privacy Policy' z języka angielskiego na polski.

Number of characters:

The language of the text:

Z języka angielskiego na polski.