New online store - contractor with extensive experience sought

Closed job
1 deal
Job category:
Online shops
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

A company from Katowice with years of experience is looking for a person to create a new online store.

Scope of work:

- comprehensive implementation of a new online store based on PrestaShop by prior arrangement of details,

- advice on the choice of technological solutions,

- replacement of an old, currently functioning store with a new one made within the project,

From the contractor we expect:

- experience supported by a portfolio, examples of implementations of large new stores, preferably from the industry in the broad sense of IT, consumer electronics, household appliances, etc.

- punctuality of performed tasks,

- very good knowledge and smooth operation of the PrestaShop platform,

- knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CMS,

- self-discipline,

Additional welcome:

- CRM moderation skills based on ASP.NET,

- experience in positioning of websites and stores,

If you are interested, please obligatorily present your experience in private messages on the portal.

Template / individual design:

To be agreed

Required functions:

Online payments, mobile version, integration with internal systems, product search engine, modern layout, fast performance, adaptation for remarketing, organic positioning and marketing automation,