Web application in JS RUST CSS HTML controlling hardware over RS232.

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Job category:
Web apps
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Job description

I will commission to write a web application in JS RUST, which will control hardware - CH32v203 microprocessor after RS232. A full API will be provided from the HW side. A working application under PC as a model is also made. The contractor will have the task of creating an application on the basis of the working one, under the provided graphical pattern create it in JS and program it according to the API and the dependencies between the various controls. The whole thing can be compared a bit to a smart home application - control of devices, but this is a different industry. From the code side we require, seamless connection with devices connected to the computer via usb seen as COM, modularity - the program will be expandable, the ability to change skins, multilingualism, the ability to connect to the SQL database on the server, operation under any WIN/macOS/Linux operating system. A mobile application is also not excluded in the future. Long-term cooperation, as the device base will grow.

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