Translation of texts from German

Closed job

Recent jobs from category Translation

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Krzysztof K
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Job description

We are looking for an experienced translator to help us translate specialized medical texts for our website. We expect excellent knowledge of the source language (German) and the target language (Polish and English), as well as a deep understanding of medical terminology. The assignment includes the translation of content that may vary in complexity, including articles, medical product descriptions, health guides and other materials. At the beginning of the assignment, we will want to translate articles with a total length of 50,000 characters.


- Excellent knowledge of the source and target language (German - English - Polish).

- Resourcefulness and familiarity with the medical field or medical translation.

- Understanding of medical terminology and ability to translate it accurately.

- Ability to meet deadlines and adapt to specific project requirements.

Scope of work:

- Translation of specialized medical texts into the target language.

- Maintaining consistency in terminology and translation style.

- Editing translations to ensure clarity and comprehensibility for target audience.

- Adapting translations to website structure and context.

Type and number of texts:

articles with a total of 50,000 characters

The language of the text:


Number of characters:
