Job description
I will commission to write a short code (preferably to be added to the function.php file in WordPress) that will make every time the status of an order changes (mainly it is about 2 statuses) an email will be sent to admin and to the customer as for example in the status "order confirmation" (now there is an email sent but only for example with order confirmation to admin and customer, and it is about another status). What I care most about is changing the statuses "awaiting payment" and "order cancelled" (in the latter it works to send an email, but how not as it changes from "awaiting payment" to "cancelled"). Normally Wordpress does not send emails as the order gets the status "awaiting payment" and as the order is changed from the status "cancelled" to "awaiting payment". Normally when I change from accepted to cancelled it gets the customer an email, so here it is ok. It is most about "awaiting payment". The email template is already there, because it is used for bank transfer payments, and I only use fast e-transfers. (more details on priv)