Product ranking page in HTML / CSS

Closed job
645 deals

Job description

The subject of the order is to make an HTML page of the website, it should be aesthetic, load quickly, clean HTML / CSS code. which compares 5 products, the first is shown as the winner. The website should be aesthetically pleasing, fast loading, clean HTML / CSS code. We do not provide PSD - only ready-made texts, headings etc.

A clean look, aesthetic and full responsiveness is expected. Photo (s) from free stocks / google image.


We ask for offers from experienced contractors. Possible next orders through the eighth of this type.

Required features

A clean look, aesthetic and full responsiveness is expected. Photo (s) from free stocks / google image.

Preferable solution

The website should be aesthetically pleasing, fast loading, clean HTML / CSS code.

Submitted offers 25

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