PrestaShop - regular cooperation in the development of an online store

Closed job
no avatar
Wojciech SZ
3 deals
Job category:
Online shops
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

I'm looking for someone to work with on a permanent basis on an (existing) online store put on PrestaShop. Settlement by invoice.

Scope of tasks:

- updating the online store

- modification of modules

- ongoing changes to the site

- adjusting prices and simplifying their uploading (preferably preparing an appropriate document in excel for easier import/export)

- improving functionality of cta forms/buttons

- creation of a landing page

- other tasks

The store is in German, but as I understand it, this does not affect the technical issues we care about.

Please send me your portfolio and hourly rate proposal. Before each project we will do estimations to determine the time and cost of work.


Required functions:

import/export prices from excel document online payments store customization for mobile version

Template / individual design:
