Permanent cooperation. Graphics for soy candles, bookmarks, bags.

Closed job
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

I am looking for a person to make graphics that will be labels for candles and will also be placed on bookmarks and bags. I will also use the graphics on the website and social media. The illustrations will be inspired by literature and movies, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and The Witcher for starters. Graphics must not violate copyright laws. I will always give hints as to what should be on the graphics, what they should look like, and include lots of sample illustrations. Graphics are to be detailed, but not too much (a candle is a small format). They all have to be consistent with each other. So that the customer, looking at them, knows that they are made by one person. Please send me offers. The company is just starting, so I will also go with the price.

Type and number of projects:

To begin with, 10 pieces of graphics at intervals