Order the creation of a wholesale - something like a online store - 30-100 products

Closed job
5 deals
Valid until:

Job description

I will order the creation of a wholesale company engaged in the sale of fresh and processed fruits.

Wholesale in several language versions, at the beginning 4 but there will be more.

A non-logged-in user can browse categories(3-4 at the beginning) and sub-categories( 2-3 per category), read information about the product, see lots of photos, videos he adds, etc... but the price he does not see: Log in or register to know the price, or contact us.

Once clicked, the registration has only 2-3-4 fields to fill in: name+email+phone number. An account is automatically created, the first time he logs in he comes up with a password and fills in basic data like country etc.... After all, it is me who has to accept him and give him permissions to know the prices of given products(I have to activate his account).

... much more to be discussed later on

Required features

Site well done for SEO

Preferable solution

Wordpress or something similar