Macro for Excel - improving conditional formatting.

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Good day,

I will commission you to write a macro for Excel that will fix conditional formatting defined in a worksheet.

Macro diagram:

Step 1 Remove all conditional formatting rules from the worksheet.

Step 2 Set up the conditional formatting rules:

(1 rule)

condition: =$J1<>""

range: =$A:$I

setting fill color: (RGB) 221 235 247

(2nd rule)

condition: =OR NOW($A11<>"WAITING";$C11<=$B$4)

range: entire column C

font color setting: (RGB) 255 0 0 (red)

(3rd rule)

condition: =$E$1<>"Select employee from list"

range: =$E$1:$F$1

fill color setting: (RGB) 198 224 180

(4th rule)

condition: =$E$1<>"Select employee from list".

range: =$E$1:$F$1

fill color setting: (RGB) 198 224 180

(rules 5-12)

condition / range

$E$2<>"" / =$E$2:$F$2

$E$3<>"" / =$E$3:$F$3

$E$4<>"" / =$E$4:$F$4

$E$5<>"" / =$E$5:$F$5

$E$6<>"" / =$E$6:$F$6

$E$7<>"" / =$E$7:$F$7

$E$8<>"" / =$E$8:$F$8

$E$9<>"" / =$E$9:$F$9

setting the fill color: (RGB) 226 239 218

(rules 13-20)

condition / range

$K1=$E$1 / =$A:$Y

$L1=$E$1 / =$A:$Y

$M1=$E$1 / =$A:$Y

$N1=$E$1 / =$A:$Y

$O1=$E$1 / =$A:$Y

$P1=$E$1 / =$A:$Y

$Q1=$E$1 / =$A:$Y

$R1=$E$1 / =$A:$Y

setting the fill color: (RGB) 226 239 218

(21 rule)

condition: =$B$3<>""

range: =$A$3

setting the fill color: (RGB) 255 117 117

(22 rule)

condition: =$B$2<>""

range: =$A$2:$B$2

setting the fill color: (RGB) 255 242 204

(23rd rule)

condition: =$B$1<>""

range: =$A$1:$B$1

fill color setting: (RGB) 255 192 0

(24th rule)

condition: =$D11="FINAL"

range: =$A$11:$F$10000

fill color setting: (RGB) 251 252 255

Thank you!