Looking for a Computer Graphic Designer - Project "Space inspired by water".

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Job description

I'm looking for a talented or budding computer graphic designer to help me realize a project related to the theme "Space inspired by water". The task is to design an attractive, modern place for adults to relax and children to play, which will be located in a selected piece of urban public space, such as a square, riverside boulevard or shopping arcade.


- Knowledge of graphic design tools, such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw.

- Ability to create perspective illustrations with the horizon at the height of an adult standing.

- Creativity and ability to convey the character of the environment through perspective illustration.

- Ability to design landscaping elements that will serve both a decorative and utilitarian role.

- Ability to present the concept through perspective illustration.

The task is to design a relaxation area for adults and a play area for children, in which the recurring theme will be "water in the city". The design should be placed on an area of no more than 100 m2. It is required to take into account aesthetic aspects, functionality and attractiveness to visitors.

Type and number of projects:

1 horizontal design