Graphic Designer/Illustrator

Closed job
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Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description


In regard to the development of our company we are looking for a person who will support us in creating graphic designs.

We are looking for a talented graphic designer / illustrator, whose task will be to prepare creations for:

- ads,

- posts in social media,

- blog posts on our website.

Additionally, we want to refresh the image of our brand hero, so the ability to create illustrations is nice-to-have for us. Currently, our hero is presented as follows: However, we are at the stage of redesigning our website, so we want to create a new, modern version of it. And here we need you! :)

As part of your application, please send us your portfolio and price list/initial quote, including the cost of creating individual graphics.

We are interested in regular cooperation including preparation of several creations per month, so constant mutual communication is crucial for us. Please, take this into account when applying. Thanks!

Type and number of projects:

Creations for: - ads, - social media posts, - blog posts on our website.