Graphic designer for permanent cooperation

Closed job
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17 deals

Job description

Good morning,

We are looking for a graphic designer to take care of the shops and websites of our group.

Pages are on WP and stores are on Presta.

The work consists in the ongoing service - banners, posters, promotions, logos, Landini, websites, functions, reconstructions, mats. For printing etc ...


-we pay a fixed fee for 10 man-hours a month (please specify in the offer)

- in case of exceeding, we pay the agreed price for additional man-hours (please indicate the proposed price for 1 man-hour)

- unused hours are cumulative

- reports from the working time measuring program

- response time to the notification - on the same business day (for reporting by 12 o'clock - the same day, after 12 the next day)

I am asking for a price quote.

Type and number of projects:

A lot of. Hourly billing.