Generate a gif based on the animation prepared in figma (about 10 seconds)

Closed job
16 deals
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Job description

To be prepared: a welcome animation (for the homepage), consisting of 3 stages, visible in the background when loading the landing page.

Graphics, animation description and animation stages are shown in Figma. First stage (first animation): the animation is to show a seated man with a soft pink glow flashing behind him; Second stage (second animation): the sky lights up behind the man, the sky enlarges and the man scales (shrinks) to the bottom of the screen; Third stage (third animation) the man and the sky become increasingly transparent and travel to the top of the screen.

The animation will be added as a gif file to the homepage (as recommended by the developers). If you have another suggestion on how to implement such an animation, without creating a gif, we are open to solutions ;)

Link to the animation flow in Figma, for animation pricing:

We will provide the link to the graphic materials and Figma after selecting a freelancer :)

Type and length:

10 seconds of animation (approximately)