Finishing a responsive website on WordPress

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Job description

I am looking for a person to curate an RWD site on WP. It is important that the CMS is customized so that it is easy to edit individual elements, primarily text, images, and the ability to add/remove items such as where there are some bullet points. We are also keen that each sub-page can be used as a template, should we want to use such a view for new sub-pages.

The site itself is fairly simple, we don't envision complicated custom animations or anything like that. I already have a finished design of the site, and it consists of 11 subpages, of which actually 6 are unique, specifically: home page, dedicated landing, archive, blogpost, contact, 404. The others are almost identical to the above, for example, on the archive for the case study there will be a different layout of posts than on the knowledge base, etc.

More to be discussed later

Preferable solution


Required features

RWD multilingual website