Designing the design of a tourist / promotional guide

Closed job
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Marcin Witczak
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Job description

I will arrange for a few pages of a tourist / promotional guide to be made.

First of all, it is about getting a good contact and understanding of a person with interesting skills and experience in similar projects. For now, the first few pages are to be made as a kind of demo / test for extending the collaboration to a full version of nearly 100 pages to be released within 2-3 months.

In the attached file I am sending very illustrative sketches (as you can see I can't draw :)), each group of cards (corresponding to regions or other parts of the guide, e.g. practical info) will have a slightly different style referring to a given region. For this paper, 4-5 test pages should be done.

According to the attached pictorial picture:

1. Graphics with the headline - in this case "Podlasie", next to it a picture of a bison and a banner in the upper right corner "the most important info" with a QR code

2. Left column with photo thumbnails plus space for a small amount of text

3. The right column has a lot of space for the main text, and at the bottom there is more -> QR (fake in this version)

4. Background - in this case it is about making a background in the style of folk motifs, the colors and patterns are to be inspired by the collections available in regional museums

This is an initial outline of the 1st card of this chapter, more are in preparation, but the background is sure to stay the same.

This stage and the valuation are very preliminary discussions with the contractor, at the beginning I want to review your portfolio and see what you specialize in and what topics are clearly related to you. For this, let's say the valuation includes a standard price list for this type of range (plus / minus, of course).

Type and number of projects:

Design of a chapter up to 5 pages a4