Automatyzacja - Artykuły na podstawie filmów youtube

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Recent jobs from category Coding and IT

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    automatic reading of bank statements PDF
    Proposed by freelancer
    Implementation to do it yourself with models that can handle newly appearing templates in banks, the program should read at least 95% of PDF files
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    PolishAPI implementation (psd2)
    Proposed by freelancer
    full support on the back-end in Java 17 is to be written - integration with at least all banks from the top 10 in Poland, we are looking for a person with practical experience with PolishAPI
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    Scraper / Parser / KW page
    Proposed by freelancer
    I will commission the creation of a program whether in a windows version or as software running on a server(this I would prefer) that : -picks up land registers -writes the 5 sub-pages / sections of each ledger to an HTML file-Complete view (that is, a complete view of the situation on a given property) -parser which extracts data from ledgers= html files and makes structured database which will be searchable by different Parameters -parser that will analyze the content and give tags for each section in a specific way The whole work of the program has to be continuous and multi-threaded. The capacity of such a program is min 150 thousand records per 24 hours The program should also have functions for monitoring changes in the selected record - such a list I have taken the user.
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    2D card game on Unity engine
    Proposed by freelancer
    Good day, I am looking for someone to add some elements to the modified script “TCG Engine”. The following tasks are to be completed: 1) Updating the ID of card types - Changing the names of the card types in the game to the new ones, and then verifying that the game works correctly after the changes. 2) Creating the “Retaliation” mechanic. - At the beginning of the game, a player draws X cards from the deck and puts them in the life points pile. Losing life points means drawing a card from this pile into the hand. You need a mechanic that allows you to immediately play the drawn card at no cost. 3) The effect of destroying a card from the pile of life points. - An effect that will allow a card to be destroyed directly from a player's life point stack without attacking. 4) “Until the end of the turn” effect. - Currently, card effects are fixed. I need effects that work: - Until the end of the player's turn. - Until the end of the opponent's turn. - Until the start of a new turn. 5) New card type: Turret - Turret cards will be attached to building cards and can deal damage, force a return to the hand, etc. A turret card can be used more than once. and much more
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    Smart Progress 9 deals
    Work with wordpress woocomerce developer
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are looking for people with extensive experience in WordPress to work with us. We have Figma visualized websites and stores that need to be implemented in a WordPress environment. If you have the right skills, we invite you to contact us! Please ask for an hourly rate (we contract logistical minimums for 8h work) and if you have worked on projects worth showing, please send links :)
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    Pergola configurator
    Proposed by freelancer
    I would like to commission a pergola configurator. In fact, the description of the configurator exhausts the example: Technology to be negotiated. In any case web-based - it will be posted on Wordpress.
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    Jan Matuszczak
    It is necessary to review the most important recommendation algorithms - classical and based on selected machine learning techniques, and propose a library (the library should have ready-made recommendation algorithms for use), which will be used to implement the selected algorithms in the form of a demonstration system in Python. In a nutshell: I have an algorithm X and I need to use library Y to implement it.
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    British Shop
    Order - remote work - transfer Subict GT and related programs from a computer with Windows XP to another computer with Windows 10, in the same confirguration and connection to a Novitus fiscal printer. Below is an email exchange with Insert SA on this issue -includes details of the version of the programs (correspondence from 2019..... ) 2 That is, it is SQL2008R2. This is sufficient to work on Windows 10 server. 3. if it is the same SQL server then there will be no complications. If there is a newer SQL server on the new computer, then the program will do the conversion of the database file to the newer version of SQL server by itself. 2 That is, it is SQL2008R2. This is sufficient for Windows 10 server. 3. if it is the same SQL server then there will be no complications. If there is a newer SQL server on the new computer, then the program will perform the conversion of the database file to the newer version of SQL server by itself. 4. as much as possible until you check that everything works properly in the new environment, there is no need to uninstall programs from the old environment and remove from the old environment databases.
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    Bukaj Alawrak
    StimulSoft's Insert Nexo print template
    Proposed by freelancer
    I am looking for a person who is familiar with StimulSoft forms in Insert Nexo and MsSQL database. I want the person to create a template (print template/form), which is to contain a monthly and cumulative summary of selected data from PIT, VAT, for a given partner, the data is to be retrieved from the MsSQL database for the selected partner. If possible, I will provide tables in MsSQL where to look for data for the template. The printout is to be one-page, unless the data does not allow it. The standard template from the program can be used as a basis. For those who are interested, more details about the data download and template on PW. Please write what lead time and gross cost.
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    Baselinker automation
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hey, I need a script, an automation (I don't even know what to call it). In the order card in baselinker, I want to have buttons to complete orders. These are virtual products that I order on another site. I want the data from the additional fields that the customer enters on my store to automatically fill in on the page where I buy the products. There may be several different products in one order and it requires opening different pages. Explanation : 1.I click on the order on baselinker. 2.Next to the name of the product there are additional fields into which the customer has entered additional data. 3.I click the button that takes me to the page where I buy. 4.The page opens and the customer selects the appropriate product to purchase, and then fills in the data that is pulled from baselinker into the appropriate fields.
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Cześć, potrzebuję systemu automatyzacji, który będzie tworzył artykuły z filmów na YouTube i dodawał je jako szkice na blogu WordPress.

Automatyzacja powinna umożliwiać:

- Dodawanie kanałów YouTube do listy (nowe filmy powinny być automatycznie przetwarzane na artykuły)

- Dodawanie pojedynczych filmów YouTube do przetwarzania

- Tworzenie dwóch rodzajów artykułów:

-- związanych z tematem filmu, korzystając z wiedzy przedstawionej w filmie

-- na temat samego filmu

- Opcje generowania artykułów: styl pisania, ton pisania, długość artykułu i wersja językowa

YouTube, ChatGPT, WordPress

Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany i w stanie zrealizować to zlecenie, proszę o przygotowanie wyceny czasu i kosztów.

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