Animation graphics for facial expressions for existing characters

Closed job
17 deals
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:

500.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

The characters are to present the text of the voiceover with slight facial expressions and gestures.

We ask you to develop graphic elements of the character animation (already created and existing) in the form of preparing gestures for her, such as:

- facial expressions for Polish key syllables,

- eye movement,

- arm gestures.

Elements (mouth, arms, eyes, etc.) should be drawn separately so that they can be freely placed in the animation.

AI format. We are interested in preparing a set of graphics (face, mouth, arms) as in the sample graphics (dreamstime) but for our characters and matching them. Possible simplifications of the current details. The work concerns the creation of graphics for two characters.

The budget concerns the preparation of graphics for both characters together.