A large banner (2x1.5 m) and an advertising stand - GEMS - I will order

Closed job
mlange.pl - grafika | reklama
mlange.pl - grafika | reklama
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

I will order a nice, neat advertising banner 200 x 150 cm for the sale of jellies.

"DELICIOUS GUMMIES" with a smaller font (matching the subject) below "HARIBO / ACID / SWEET / MEEEGA GUMS 65 CM |

I would like the banner to look quite modern, so it is advisable to use stock images related to jellies, colorful, eye-catching.

I will also order an identical graphic (even the same) only with a different arrangement because it will be a vertical orientation (STAYER): dimensions - 105 x 56 cm

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.

I have no special requirements. It is important that there is good quality (DPI is well matched to the size) and that it is nice, eye-catching

Type and number of projects:

1 advertising banner 1 advertising board