Freelancing has completely changed the way the labor market functions in the last several years. The flexibility and independence has boosted the number of independent contractors around the world.
For freelancers
How to be a successful freelancer
Currently, many people, especially the young ones from the Y generation, look for tips and tricks to quickly get either high fees or salaries. Usually, this comes from media stories about brilliant freelancers earning several thousand a month or start-upers who were taken over for billions of dollars.
10 highest paying freelance jobs
If you’re wondering if the freelance world and its perks are for you, then this is, without any doubt, the best time to do it. Considering the internet, modern online services and tools, it’s feasible to complete tasks and projects remotely on a freelance basis.
10 remote IT jobs with a yearly remuneration of $100 000 or more
Are you tired of having to wake up early in the morning for your job? Would you like to get rid of hours wasted in traffic jams? Do you consider working in pajamas or on your own schedule, taking advantage of the remote work model’s benefits? If at least one answer to the above questions is yes, check out this list of positions that allow you to work remotely not only in startups but also in the top class, global businesses and earn lavishly.
9 Best Free Material Design UI kits – 2018
Material design provides the user with a real experience with its clean and direct effect. Here are 9 best free material design UI kits & Templates for Sketch and Photoshop.
You have to have these tools around if you marry freelancing and travel
Probably most of you use the following tools: Google Drive, Trello, Skype, Slack, Google Hangout, Evernote, Skype. They’re must-have for every freelancer, nowadays. In fact, it’s not a completed list in case you connect working remotely with travel. Then, your professional reality is more demanding. It caused you start to be afraid of travel costs, coworking space, costs of local living etc. Don’t be afraid, however.
In case you’re deadlocked by a lack of idea for next step as freelancer
From one project to another one, you feel less satisfaction from their completion. This issue is multidimensional. First, because of rising competition in your business field, price does matter, so you gradually tend to earn less. Second, although you’re good at your stuff, clients realized they don’t need your support. Industry undergoes immediate transition. Third, you started feeling that a power in your current craft was run out. So you can’t do what you have loved for last years. Your phase-out made that your professional passion faded out.
Take a look at this in case you’re considering remote work from Spain
For the last few years, this country has become a promising land for independent professionals across the globe. Over 3 million Persona de libre dedicación (freelancer in Spanish) can’t be wrong, can they? It’s worth mentioning that a fifth of them aren’t native people. They’re foreigners, in other words. This element makes a genuine sense and atmosphere of settling down and work remotely there. It’s not only one, though. Flocking to Spain by many foreign solopreneurs results from other reasons. Here, we have laid out a specific nature of this issue.
A shark or a dolphin? What would you rather be?
A freelancer, just like any other guy, needs some human interaction once in a while. Surely, he can not be associated with all those negative features as being closed, not willing to go outside and dealing with everything by means of the soulless Internet. In order to gain new deals or partners these people need to enlarge their contact list in the online world.