From: Poland
Location: Piotrków Trybunalski, PL
On Useme since 22 March 2019
My name is Kacper Alama and I come from Piotrków Trybunalski. My interest in creating, optimizing, as well as online marketing began in 2013, where as an administrator I ran the club website of our local amateur club. This passion has been with me from that time until today. Together with my friend from Poznań, who has been involved in the creation of websites and online stores for over 4 years, we operate within the creation of websites as well as e-commerce and website writing and SEO sites, Google Adwards and promotions in social media. Our company offers interesting valuations for new and existing customers Our websites include: I cordially invite you !!!
Apr 2023 - Dec 2023
Netrix S.A
Tworzenie stron internetowych na Wordpress Obsługa stron na Wordpress Dbanie o bezpieczeństwo strony Dodawanie informacji na stronach Wordpress
Mar 2022 - Feb 2023
Haftina Sp Z.O.O
Tworzenie stron internetowych na Wordpress Tworzenie sklepów internetowych na Shopify Obsługa stron na Wordpress i Shopify Dbanie o bezpieczeństwo strony Dodawanie informacji na stronach Wordpress Dodawanie produktów na sklepach opartych na Shop
Feb 2019 - Now
Tworzenie stron internetowych opartych na Wordpress Tworzenie sklepów internetowych opartych na Wordpress woocommerce i Shopify Obsługa stron www Dodawanie tekstów i zdjęć na sklepy internetowe klientów Tworzenie grafik komputerowych, plakatów, b
Strona dwujęzyczna oparta na Wordpress + Polylang
Sklep ze szkoleniami oparty na Wordpress Woocommerce