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From: Poland

Location: Rusinowice, PL

On Useme since 31 May 2024

About me

Looking to build a High-Converting Sales Funnel for your Info-Product, Community, or Coaching? I'm your man.

If you're seeking the BEST design with the highest Conversion Rates, I might be the only person here who can deliver. Bold claim, but let me explain.

I'm Robert, specializing in funnels ONLY for the online info space. I build the entire client journey, from your content to the first page they see, capturing contact info, building a connection, and converting them to clients.

Many funnel builders claim to be good but can't even choose the correct funnel type: tripwire, SLO, automated course sales, HTO, etc. (Worse if they don't know them)

I've developed a Peak Performance system for Peak Conversion using A/B testing.

Work with me, and we'll start with a deep dive into your business, niche, and ICP.

I ONLY work with serious clients committed to their business success. If you're looking for cheap, quick fixes, please don't reach out.

If you're serious, I'm waiting for your message!

CV / Résumé

Jan 2022 - Now




Portfolio item Fitness Funnel

Zaprojektowałem całą stronę główną dla programu fitness na rynku zagranicznym.

Dodatkowo zaprojektowałem całą strukturę lejka sprzedażowego w którego skład wchodzą: - Opt-in Page - Sales Pages - Order Pages - Upsell w postaci HTO - Email Sequ

Portfolio item
Struktura Lejka - Program Fitness
Portfolio item Amazon KDP Kurs - Sales Page

Zaprojektowałem zautomatyzowany lejek sprzedażowy dla kursu Amazon KDP na rynku zagranicznym

W skład lejka wchodzą: - Sales Page - Order Form - Confirmation Page - Upsell HTO - Email Sequence - Opt-in dla lead magnet

Portfolio item
Struktura Lejka - Kurs Amazon KDP