From: Poland
Location: Kraków
On Useme since 18 May 2017
Specjalizujemy się w tworzeniu animacji dla biznesu/ video explainerów typu "how it works" promujących wszelkie usługi/aplikacje/produkty/sklepy internetowe/startupy itp. Gdybyście kiedyś Państwo chcieli skorzystać z takiego video marketingu w formie animacji, zostawiamy namiary na nas.
Zapraszam na stronę i do przejrzenia portfolio:
Z chęcią odpowiemy na pytania, udzielimy wszelkich szczegółów.
We created animation promoting marketing agency Alpaca Studio, which specializes in contemporary marketing, graphics and IT.
We created animation promoting marketing agency Alpaca Studio, which specializes in contemporary marketing, graphics and IT.
For our loyalty client Ikona Sp. z o.o, we created animated explainer video for KRD - the biggest platform for economic information exchange in Poland.
For our loyalty client Ikona Sp. z o.o, we created animated explainer video for KRD - the biggest platform for economic information exchange in Poland.
For our loyalty client Ikona Sp. z o.o, we created animation promoting Wroclaw as a modern city based on Smart City idea - an investment in human and social capital, supported by modern infrastructure.
For our loyalty client Ikona Sp. z o.o, we created animation promoting Wroclaw as a modern city based on Smart City idea - an investment in human and social capital, supported by modern infrastructure.