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Index finger pointing up icon

From: Poland

Location: Gorlice, PL

On Useme since 16 August 2018

Business bag icon

Deals 17




About me

I have been dealing with internet marketing for 5 years. I specialize in SEO Copywriting - creating content that is suitable for both the user and the search engine algorithms. In my career, I have written over 700 different content, these were:

  • product and category descriptions
  • service descriptions
  • sponsored / specialized / back-up articles

In addition to writing SEO content, I also offer:

  • blogging with CMS * publication and content optimization for SEO
  • content publishing in CMS - both for stores and websites
  • positioning of websites and online stores
  • keeping profiles in social media

The CMS I support for: WordPress, PrestaShop, WiX, Shoper and WooCommerce (WP).

Do you need specialized content for SEO? Write to me!


Marketing w agencji reklamowej

Działania w RinLook: - tworzenie strategii reklamowej - publikacja postów: pomysły / tematy / treści w Social Media - prowadzenie marketingu online dla RinLook i klientów tej agencji

Kampania Google Ads i wsparcie marketingowe

Działania w Papillon Zaproszenia: - kampania Google Ads - wsparcie merytoryczne w prowadzeniu Social Meda - doszkalanie właścicieli z zakresu marketingu: Google Ads, Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram i Pinterest