From: Poland
Location: Stara Niedziałka, PL
On Useme since 7 July 2018
Zakres działań: - projekt logotypu - projekt & skład broszur, ulotek, magazynów - posty na Social Media - ilustracje - plakaty - DTP
DOŚWIADCZENIE: VIII.2019 - 31.I.2021 STUDIO-DESIGN Izabela Jurczyk || Stanowisko - Grafik
WYKSZTAŁCENIE: 1.X.2014 - 26.VI.2019 Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Władysława Strzemińskiego Wydział Grafiki i Malarstwa, kierunek Grafika, Łódź Studia jednolite magisterskie
Project of music publisher’s “Dobry Ton Records”and artist’s „POLKOLOR” logotype. Graphic design of limited series of cassette tapes „POLKOLOR - Naive dreams”. The Project includes: cassette tape, vinyl with packaging, series of posters, t-shirt and bags.
Project of music publisher’s “Dobry Ton Records”and artist’s „POLKOLOR” logotype. Graphic design of limited series of cassette tapes „POLKOLOR - Naive dreams”. The Project includes: cassette tape, vinyl with packaging, series of posters, t-shirt and bags.
Graphic design of labels, packaging for tomato sauce and logotype „Tomate”.
Graphic design of labels, packaging for tomato sauce and logotype „Tomate”.
„Dziedziniec Kultury” is a serie of summer cultural events - concerts and workshops, which are having place at Minister ‘s of Culture and National Heritage courtyard. Project of logotype and all of event’s graphic design stuff. Project was...
„Dziedziniec Kultury” is a serie of summer cultural events - concerts and workshops, which are having place at Minister ‘s of Culture and National Heritage courtyard. Project of logotype and all of event’s graphic design stuff. Project was...