From: Poland
Location: Kraków, PL
On Useme since 19 June 2018
It's nice for me, the combination of the possibilities that technology brings, and amazing ideas, guided imagination.
For me, leading technologies look like this: JavaScript (including the latest es6-7-8 standard) React, Redux react router-v4 redux-thunk (for handling asynchronous queries)
Potrafię również Wordpress'a.
I made a webside for this client, based on pupular wordpress CMS, because that was the requirement of this client.
I wrote many lines of code to customize a project written in classic technologies such as CSS / HTML / JavaScript to the...
In this project I was involved in programming the application's appearance layer in technologies:
React, Redux (+ redux-thunk), React router-v4 HTML5 / CSS 3
It was a project co-created with several other programmers.