Cover photo
Index finger pointing up icon

From: Poland

Location: Lublin, PL

On Useme since 7 July 2024

About me

I am a versatile creator with experience in both music production and programming. For the past 8 years, I've been composing electronic, acoustic, and ambient music using Ableton, handling everything from mixing to mastering, allowing for complete control over the creative process. You can listen to my work at

I started programming at the age of 13, beginning with 2D games in JavaScript and HTML websites ( I have been coding in HTML/CSS since 2015, in Python since 2020, and in Django since 2023. Between 2017 and 2020, I led a project called "Pogotowie Różańcowe" with a 30-person team and created a website for it ( In 2022, I started studying Computer Science at the Lublin University of Technology, and in 2023, I built my first website using Django for my music project, "Matt Krupa" (

In my free time, I play bass guitar and piano, further exploring my musical interests beyond production. More about my work can be found at


Portfolio item Depclean Website

The website for paving stone cleaning was built using Django with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It includes services, contact info, a blog, and reviews. I designed it to match the logo and provided training on hosting, then set it up on a private VPS.

Portfolio item Matt Krupa Music Project Website

It's a website for my music project, where you can listen to all of my music, contact me via contact form, read about my work and see my other music projects. All graphic design was made by myself.

Portfolio item Covers, Vol. 2 Music Album

In April 2024, I released an album, handling all aspects of production—composition, performance, recording my wife's vocals, and full production. The project highlights my skills in arrangement, mixing, and mastering, creating a cohesive and polished

Portfolio item Lost Kittens

Lost Kittens is a meticulously crafted electronic/ambient album with intricate compositions and breakbeat influences. It blends atmospheric soundscapes with subtle vocals, offering a unique and immersive listening experience.