Cover photo
Index finger pointing up icon

From: Poland

Location: Żagań, PL

On Useme since 1 March 2023

Business bag icon

Deals 10




About me

Dzięki mojej miłości do projektowania tworzę prace, które inspirują i przyciągają uwagę, oferując jednocześnie profesjonalną obsługę klienta. Skontaktuj się ze mną już teraz, aby zagwarantować sobie pewną współpracę!






Z szacunku do moich klientów, zawsze dostarczam serwis, który przewyższa oczekiwania.



Completed offers 5

  • Looking for a person to design a logo taking into account the name of the company. Company, deals with the sale of cosmetic , hairdressing products under its brand. It is important that the logo is clear, simple , but eye-catching. Packaging will have a very simple, clean form, and the only decoration on the packaging will be the logo / name. Products will be directed mainly to the foreign market.
  • Communication objectives: * The design should inspire confidence. It should reflect the modern character of the company, be clear and friendly. * The logotype will be used mainly online and on stationery. Design Style Expectations: *Minimalistic. * Elegant * Simple. * Clean. Logo symbol should include company name or web address (we will provide after Contractor is selected) Expected typography style: * Modern. * Simple * Geometric * Elegant Please send me offers including a quote and estimated turnaround time along with a link to your portfolio.
  • Looking for a person who is able to prepare graphic design/graphic design for an e-book style guide. This is a guide/e-book discussing a topic related to nutrition and physical activity in the context of body shaping. The guidebook will be about 40 pages long. I am keen on preparing a consistent and minimalistic layout for all pages and adding some small graphic elements.
  • Preparation of 130 playing cards for printing. All the cards are ready in Figma software. It is now necessary to adjust them to the printer's format and prepare the files for printing.
  • Przedmiotem zlecenia jest zaprojektowanie oferty sprzedażowej w formacie A4 (dwustronne). Do zaprojektowania w sumie 3 strony (awers w jednej wersji rewers w dwóch wersjach) Samodzielny projekt w oparciu o dostarczone materiały graficzne i wskazówki oraz dostarczony przez zamawiającego tekst oferty.