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From: Poland

Location: Konin, PL

On Useme since 30 May 2022

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Deals 20




About me

Twórca ugc, content creator, bloger, Influencer. Mam 33 lata i pochodzę z wielkopolski. Posiadam doświadczenie w tworzeniu wideo, zdjęć oraz tekstów dostosowanych do wymogów klienta na jego profil jak również promowanie marki na swoich profilach: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, blog.


Completed offers 1

  • Hello Kamila, you were in touch with my colleague Julia and she told me that you are using this platform. If it is convenient for you, let's finish the order for the UGC video through here. Can you please confirm? Do you think you can still manage to have it done until 25.9. as previously suggested? I have added budget so that we would get to pre-agreed 1000pln netto. Thank you