From: Poland
Location: Wrocław, PL
On Useme since 3 September 2017
I draw pictures, I write words. I fill the sheet with meanings.
Start on the first note, finish on the last one. Follow the string! (Better quality needed? Check my files.)
Start on the first note, finish on the last one. Follow the string! (Better quality needed? Check my files.)
Logotype and some motives dedicated to the physiotherapy clinic. (Better quality needed? Check portfolio attached to my files.)
Logotype and some motives dedicated to the physiotherapy clinic. (Better quality needed? Check portfolio attached to my files.)
Some posters. Including one in medieval-manuscript style.
rysuję obrazki
Logotype and some motives from the brandbook dedicated to limited edition of the drink named Alive Mate, served in one of Wroclaw's pubs. (Better quality needed? Check portfolio attached to my files.)
Logotype and some motives from the brandbook dedicated to limited edition of the drink named Alive Mate, served in one of Wroclaw's pubs. (Better quality needed? Check portfolio attached to my files.)
Logos and motives... Visions and images I have created for individuals. Personal data removed where needed. (Better quality needed? Check portfolio attached to my files.)
Logos and motives... Visions and images I have created for individuals. Personal data removed where needed. (Better quality needed? Check portfolio attached to my files.)
More posters! Including gig-posters