WordPress plugin

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Website development
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Job description

I will order the preparation on WordPress of a calculator for a website on the determination of one's caloric needs, where, in addition, the macro B/T/W will be listed. The result is to depend on the choice of diet variant - there will be 3-4 of them and also the type of activity one has during the day.

The final result is to be combined with suggested menus, which are available on the website.

I ask for offers with a price range for completing the order and the time needed.

Required features

The calculator should be suitable for display on a computer, tablet and phone.

Preferable solution

The calculator is to be in Polish on WordPress with the possibility of translating it into English soon.

Recent jobs from category Web development

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    Making a website
    Proposed by freelancer
    I need to make a website with several pages: Home, Offer, Blog and Contact. The site needs an option to purchase relevant services (shopping cart). I will provide more information in a message. I would appreciate bids with examples of sites made so far.
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    The website should include a gallery of works, an "About Me" page, a contact form, a price list and a calendar with the ability to book photo shoot dates. The design is to be made from scratch. I will provide the content and photos, but I need the texts to be optimized for SEO so that the site can be found more easily in Google search results.
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    Website for a gardening company
    Proposed by freelancer
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    1500.00 PLN
    Need wp specialist. The thing actually boils down to replacing content, disabling certain sections, and making others such as a slider. The site works, however, it needs to be modified. Very important that the work needs to start right away.
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    Jakub Mikołajczyk
    Building a functional landing page
    Proposed by freelancer
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    I will commission a dedicated tool to support the work of my traders. The tool is supposed to help in pricing the transport orders we carry out. Scope of functionality: - A form with a text field that allows you to enter an address - Map (can be Google Maps) displaying two markers (one in the location of our company, the other in the location of the address entered in the form) and 4 delivery areas - Determining whether the entered address belongs to any of the areas, displaying information in which area the searched address is located and the cost of service delivery in that area - Display on a map the route between the company's headquarters and the searched location, as well as information under the map about the length of the route in kilometers You would probably need to integrate the API: - Google Maps Javascript API - Geocoding API - Directions API The project should ideally be done in React, using the MUI/NextUI library. There is no need to save address lookups, integration with database or API other than required to provide address lookup/route/area identification functionality. Please send me bids including cost, time required and technologies in which the project could be developed.
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    Artur Sarnecki
    Hello, I'm looking for someone to make a clear and simple website for me - for a mortgage broker. What is needed is a home page with a form, and a hello business card and descriptions, and blog posts. In addition, there should be a blog. I am interested in something in the following style: https://pomocfinanse.pl/ https://www.splatachwilowek.pl/ https://splatakredytow.pl/kredyt-na-splate-chwilowek/ https://gawryszewskifinanse.pl/oferta-dla-ciebie/kredyt-na-splate-chwilowek/ https://finreal.pl/konsolidacja-chwilowek/ Bookmarks are beyond the homepage for sure: blog contact and possibly a tab with an online application if possible in addition, the offer, where sub-pages will contain a description of services: loans and loans for companies sanction of free credit consolidation loans consolidation of chwilówki I would like to base it on wordpress because I am familiar with this system. Please give me suggestions and questions.
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    Web banner creation
    Proposed by freelancer
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