Website (catering shopping)

Closed job
Valid until:

Job description

Good day,

I will commission the creation of a site similar to but with the ability to register any service provider at any time (individuals as well as companies). The site is to bring together people with a common interest in products. Individuals or companies that advertise on the site will have their own menus and portfolios. The possibility of online payment. Use of location to display companies or people in the immediate area. Registration required as a buyer and as a seller. Product for personal pickup only (possibly an additional option for transportation if the service provider has such capabilities).

The site is to earn a commission of 2% on each transaction.

Site in Polish and Ukrainian.

I care about a long relationship with the creator of the site because the development planned is a global publication and a mobile application.

The most favorable offer is the one that will be the cheapest and the shortest implementation time.

Please include domain, server, etc. As we do not own anything :) just an idea for a name ;)



Preferable solution

Author's design

Required features

Online payment, mobile version, domain, server, mail