VBA Macro

Closed job
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Nicolas Curtelin
1 deal
Job category:
Other IT services
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Job description

I need to develop an Excel macro to extract content from cells based on the color of the cell, and paste it together with the header of the column in an empty cell.

For example I have a table with 21 columns (A til U), I have the col headers placed on row 2.

I want to analyze the line 8. The macro will look for a cell with a BG color in cell A8, then B8, ... until T8. Lets imagine only the cell D8 and K8 have a color BG.

I select an empty cell (for example Z8) and the macro will return in this cell the following result:

"D2 content" : "D8 content" / "K2 content" : "K8 content".

I attach the example described above.

In an ideal situation, the macro adapts to different amount of columns (not always 21 cols)...

The macro will be used on different files and sheets.

Any help? :)

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Place or location:

Krakow, PL

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